

Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie:

Allgemein, English Toy Terrier

JDCM und Xanthinuria

Hier noch einmal ein Thema, welches mir persönlich sehr am Herzen liegt.

Egal in welchem Land und bei welchem Züchter Ihr einen ETT kauft, bitte lasst euch beraten und belegen, das die Elterntiere auf diese beiden Krankheiten untersucht sind und wie das Ergebnis ist.

Bisher werden die Untersuchenungen nur in Minnesota angeboten, was aber wirklich kein Problem ist.

Unsere Jacky durfte durch die Bestimmungen erst mit 15 Wochen in D. Einreisen, daher habe ich sie gleich in den USA Testen lassen.


Weitere Informationen findet ihr bei:

Informationen English Toy Terrier


  454 Hits

The Illustrated Breed Standard

Sehr interessant :

  575 Hits

Gesundheitsumfrage 2018 Ergebnisse


Check out these charts for a sneak peek at results from the 2018 Health Survey. Interesting fact: Males lived an average of 1 - 1.5 years longer than females consistently across all four groups.
Danke an Amanda Kelly
  428 Hits


... english toy terrier (b&t)


  562 Hits



Hin und wieder entstehen aus unterschiedlichen Verbindungen  (national/international) vielversprechende Rüden, welche unserem Zuchtideal entsprechen. Da wir als Züchter jedoch nicht in der Lage sind jeden Hund selbst zu übernehmen, bieten wir den sogenannten Mitbesitz an, wobei wir uns das Zuchtrecht vorbehalten. Das gibt uns die Freiheit unsere Zuchtbasis zu erweitern. 
Somit möchten wir in Zukunft importierte Rüden, die sich gesundheitlich und vom Erscheinungsbild her gut entwickeln, zum Zuchteinsatz nutzen. 
Alle Hunde unterliegen der Zuchtordnung des KFT/VDH/FCI.
Jegliche Unkosten, die bei einer Zuchtzulassung und Zuchteinsatz entstehen, übernehmen selbstverständlich wir. Die alltäglichen Hundehaltungskosten (z.B. Versicherung , Tierarztbesuche, Futter) bewältigt der Hundehalter.
Da wir bestimmte Rüden kostenlos abgeben, haben wir eine gewisse Vorstellung von den zukünftigen Familien. Neben Sympathie, gegenseitigem Vertrauen und Zuverlässigkeit ist mir ein kontinuierlicher Kontakt immens wichtig. Vorteilhaft wäre es, wenn Sie nahe unseres Wohnortes leben würden.  
Falls Sie sich nun für einen Welpen oder auch erwachsenen Rüden interessieren sollten, freue ich mich auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. 
  585 Hits

helft bitte alle mit


In the spirit of friendly competition, we're issuing an Olympic-sized challenge to Manchester Terrier and English Toy Terrier breeders, owners and fanciers around the globe. Fill out a health survey from now to March 31st and show the world how much you love your favourite black and tans! 

Let's see whose commitment to health will win the day...

  674 Hits

2018 General Health Survey

Calling all Manchester Terrier and English Toy Terrier owners, former owners and breeders: The CMTC/AMTC General Health Survey is now open. If you currently own a Manchester Terrier or English Toy Terrier or if you owned one who died after January 1, 2002, we want to hear from you! By completing a simple, short survey about your dog's health, you can help us create the big picture view needed to ensure our black and tans stay happy and healthy. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to fill out and can be filled out multiple times by owners of multiple dogs. To learn more or to complete the survey, visit 

The survey will remain open until February 28, 2018. Please help spread the word by liking and sharing!



  586 Hits

Manchester Terrier Weight: Part 2 (History)

Manchester Terrier Weight: Part 2 (Breed Standard Comparisons)

The “bomb cyclone” provided some downtime to write this, so it seemed like a good time to move the discussion of Manchester Terrier weight along. 

It was actually pointed out to me that as a Toy person (and a Canadian to-boot), perhaps I wasn’t entitled to an opinion on this subject at all. I do take the point, however I’d actually argue that both of those things might make it easier for me to facilitate a fact-based discussion of the topic. Certainly, those who are in the thick of it have many emotions at play, making it hard to divorce current events from the bigger picture questions that really need to be discussed. 

I’d also point out that, like many things in life, the Canada-US relationship in this case is much like the mouse and the elephant. As we have already seen based on changes made to the US breed standard in the 1990s, any modifications to the American standard affect Canadian dogs because the genepool in our breed is so heavily based in the US. So, with that in mind I will (with apologies to critics), soldier on as I think this conversation is not only important for SMT breeders but to our entire breed.

With that out of the way, now that we have talked about WHY we use weight as a measurement tool in our breed, I thought it might be helpful to back up a step and look at three associated issues:

1) How size is determined across all breeds.
2) The nature and role of disqualifying faults.
3) The rules around weighing and measuring. 

None of these topics is specific to Manchesters alone, in fact to have the most constructive conversation possible it’s important that we try to apply the principles that underlie each as widely as possible while also looking at their relationship to and affect on our breed. 

So, let’s start with how size is determined generally in dogs. Here are a few points to think about:

A) Breed Standards as a Whole
For interest’s sake, I did a quick search through AKC breed standards. Now, my numbers jotted on the back of an envelope aren’t scientific but they should be somewhat close. I counted 179 AKC breed standards that specify either prescribed or suggested size ranges in inches, pounds or both. For the sake of brevity, where a breed standard applied to multiple varieties I just counted it once. 

Of those 179 breed standards, 94 (53%) contain measurements pertaining to height only; 70 (39%) contain measurements pertaining to height and weight together; and 15 (8%) measure size using weight alone. 54 (30%) of the breed standards that specify a size or size range contain a disqualification for size. 

Of the breed standards that contain DQs related to size, 50 (93%) measure size in terms of height and 4 (7%) determine size using weight alone.

Looking at the list of the 15 breeds whose breed standards specify only weight is interesting. These breeds include: Dachshunds, Greyhounds, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Border Terriers, Brussels Griffon, Chihuahua, English Toy Spaniels, Maltese, Manchesters, Pekingese, Pomeranians, Pugs and Yorkshire Terriers. 

Among those breeds, the breed standards for Manchester Terriers, Chihuahuas, Pekingese and French Bulldogs contain disqualifications for size. The Manchester Terrier is the only breed in this group that was not developed as a companion. 

???? Form for Function
A few breeds stand out to me when I look at the list of breeds using weight alone as their tool for determining size. For example, the Greyhound’s use of weight seems quite strange to given the breed’s history as a coursing breed (only Greyhounds and Dachshunds are measured by weight in the entire hound group). Looking at the breed standard does provide some clues as to why this may be the case though, and also raises some questions about early breed standards.

Barring formatting, the AKC and CKC Greyhound breed standards both read identically and neither bears an approved or effective date, which tells me that this is likely the breed standard that was in place when the two organizations were formed. Additionally, like the CKC’s Manchester breed standard the Greyhound standard contains a scale of points indicating where and how much emphasis should be placed on different aspects of conformation, providing another indication of its age (most of the point scales have been removed over the years but it was very common in old standards and can still be found in some today). Given weight is such a strange choice for a large breed like this, I wonder if it was simply more common when dog shows began to determine size using weight. It would certainly be very interesting to know if other breeds were originally measured by weight and switched to a height standard at some point (I hope those with other breeds will pipe in if they know!). 

The inclusion of the Bulldog and Boston Terrier on the list of weight-based standards is also interesting to me given both share some form of relation genetically and functionally through the same blood sports that the Manchester Terrier breed standard references. 

Certainly, we know Bulldogs were popular in bull baiting and were crossed with terriers for the purposes of related sports like rat baiting. Like Manchesters, Boston Terriers also descend from bull and terrier crosses and were themselves used for pit ratting purposes. So the fact that Bulldogs and Bostons continue to use weight is not surprising, though it is notable that neither has an associated disqualification. Just as interesting, however, is the fact that the Bull Terrier, which was developed in parallel with the Manchester, has no reference in their breed standard to size at all.

OK, I’ll stop here—hopefully there are some things to chew on above and I hope others will pipe in. 

I’m sure everyone will read something different into the above, but here are my takeaways after having read so many standards:

a) It is very uncommon in the context of modern dog shows for a breed standard to use weight alone as a measurement for size. 

b) It is very rare to use weight as the basis for disqualifying a dog, with just 4 breeds (2%) among all of the breed standards I looked at citing weight as a disqualifying fault. Three of those breeds were developed as companions.

c) It is possible that weight was a more common tool for measurement when breed standards were originally written (please chime in if you have info to add).

d) Some of the breeds whose breed standards continue to use weight alone are related historically to Manchesters, either through ancestry or use in similar functions.

Amanda Kelly

  511 Hits

Ch. Queensbury Surprise in 1920

Ch. Queensbury Surprise in 1920 ????
????????《Manchester Terrier》


  632 Hits

the english toy terrier

... kleine infos

  613 Hits

Manchester Terrier Weight: Part 1 (History)

Manchester Terrier Weight: Part 1 (History)

At the US National Specialty last month, weight became a central issue of Standard Manchester Terrier judging when weight was called on an exhibit.  A discussion subsequently followed at the AMTC annual general meeting regarding the possibility of enforced weighing of all exhibits at the national specialty each year. The motion to take the issue to the membership, I am told, was narrowly defeated and I was approached by several people afterward asking about the history of the use of weight as a measurement as well as the history of weights cited in breed standards.  

I was a little troubled, honestly, that any conversation was had about any action that might influence the future of the breed without all members first having a very clear understanding of the history and context surrounding the issue.  With that in mind, I thought a historical primer on weight might be of benefit in the ongoing discourse on the subject within the breed.  

So, here's what I know (bearing in mind that (a) I am concentrating on the Standard variety and, so, sources can't be seen as complete for the TMT or ETT as I have left some discussions relevant to those groups out; and, (b) I am concentrating on the breed's history as a rat baiter exclusively because that is the sole basis for use of weight and the only function listed in the original breed standards upon which the current US breed standard's size range is based):

1) The use of weight as a method of determining size directly stems from an issue of form for original function and finds its source in the way rat pit matches were handicapped.  In competitions between dogs, size differences were accounted for by assigning the number of rats to be killed by each dog according to its weight.  I wrote an article called "Why Weight?" on this subject for the Fall 2010 issue of Black & Tan Magazine and would encourage those interested to read the full piece here as it explains exactly how weight was used in competition. 

In reading this article, there are two things to keep in mind:

a) Rat pit matches came in several forms, so weight handicaps didn't always apply. Sometimes a match was just one dog with a number of rats against the clock, sometimes it was two dogs of comparable size with a certain number of rats against the clock, and sometimes it was two disproportionate dogs against each other where a weight handicap was needed. As a result, weight wasn't always important.

b) The historical record tells us that the most successful black and tan pit ratter, Tiny, weighed in at 5 1/2 pounds and one of the most famous pit ratters in general (not a black and tan), Billy, weighed in at 27 pounds.  

2) Text records from the time when dogs were being actively used in the rat pits do not define the 'breed' by anything other than colour. Competitors came in all shapes and sizes and references to size form part of the description for all contenders in much the same way boxers are announced today. There were certainly no parameters or limits assigned to size as emphasis was very much on ability. Black and tan coloured dogs in the rat pits could have been 5 pounds, 12 pounds, 6 pounds, 24 didn't matter. In fact, we have little information about those dogs at all other than their varied size, colour and occasional references to smooth coat.  

3) The idea of describing dogs from the perspective of breeds doesn't really occur until the 1860s, rather after rat baiting had its hey day. As these descriptions eventually gave way to breed standards however, they provide some excellent insight into how we ended up where we are today. 

As you will see, the size range ascribed to our breed has varied considerably over its history, both in early descriptions and official breed standards.  In most cases, the descriptions of large and small Manchesters remained the same aside from size, just as is the case today:

- In 1861, John Meyrick described the English Terrier (Toy) as 3-4 pounds and not over 6 pounds (I include this  as a reference for increases over time) while in 1862 Stonehenge refers to the Old English Terrier as weighing 7-12 pounds. 
- In 1865 Reverend George Wood describes the English Terrier as not larger than 10 pounds. At this time, the bull-and-terrier crosses are referred to somewhat separately, with Wood indicating that "In size it is extremely variable, some specimens being among the smallest of the canine tribes, while others measure as much as twenty inches in height...
- In 1867, Stonehenge describes the Old English Terrier as weighing "from 6lb. to l0lb., or even 20lb".  
- In 1872, Stonehenge describes a generic black and tan smooth-coated dog as above and later in discussion of the Black-and-Tan Terrier specifically describes size as from "7lb to 25lb, but the best size is about l0lb. or 12lb." 
- In 1878, Dalziel describes the breed as weighing from "10lb. up to 16lb." with the smaller Toy version weighing in at 3lb. to 6lb. In 1879, Dalziel goes even further by providing "size and dimension of a few good specimens" as follows: "Mr. F.W. Parry's Saff: Age, 2 years, 9 months ; weight 19 1/2 lbs. ; height at shoulder 15 inches"; "Mr. W.K. Taunton's Swift (KCSB 8631): Age 2 years ; weight 24 lbs. ; height at shoulder 16 inches"; "Mr. W.K. Taunton's Black Bess (KCSB 8635): Age 2 years ; weight 16 1/2 lbs. ; height at shoulder 13 inches"; "Mr. W.K. Taunton's Stella (KCSB 3024): Age 2 years and 2 months ; weight 18 lbs. ; height at shoulder 14 1/2 inches". 
- In 1887, Stonehenge described the breed as "10 to 12 lb up to 18 lbs, or a trifle more" with the Toy variety not to exceed 6 pounds. 
- In 1894, Rawdon Lee put forward the description of the breed adopted by the Black and Tan Terrier Club of England, which described three sizes: "Weight – Not exceeding 7 lb; not exceeding 16 lb, not exceeding 20 lb." but also noted that the Manchester or English Toy Terrier Club (a rival club, assumably) limited size to 18 pounds. 
- In 1903, the Black and Tan Terrier Club of the UK described sizes as" For Toys, not exceeding 7 lb.; for the large breed, from 16 lb. to 20 lb., is most desirable." 
- in 1905, we know dogs being exhibited were larger because the Manitoba Challenge Cup was awarded to "the best medium weight (17 pound) Black and Tan Terrier in Show"
- By 1938, breed standards in use in North America reflected the current 12 pound limit for Toy Manchesters and 12-22 pounds for Standard Manchesters, with no disqualification for over 22 pounds.

Now, if you made it through all of those long citations I'm impressed!  If not, here's the summary.  From 1861 until present day the upper register for the smaller English/Black and Tan/Manchester Terriers has varied from a low of 3-4 pounds to a high of  our current 12 pounds. The larger variety has taken the opposite course, starting out at a high of 25 pounds in the 1870s, "18 pounds or a trifle more" in the 1880s, 20 pounds in the 1890s, and 22 pounds some time in the early 1900s.  There was even a time when three sizes were described.

4) No disqualification for size existed in the breed's history anywhere in the world until 1958 when it was added to the American breed standard following unification of the breed as one breed with two varieties. I don't know where the idea for the disqualification came from (was it the TMT members wanting to protect their 6-8 pound dogs from getting too large?  Was it the AKC's influence? Was it the small number of SMT breeders?"). We do know, however, that this addition was not universally supported as when the new breed standard was presented to the Canadian Kennel Club's board of directors for adoption (it was the custom to use AKC standards at the time), letters were submitted by a number of individuals, including prominent Standard Manchester Terrier breeders Mac McLean (Willowdale Kennels) and Ruth Turner (Chatham), with the end result being the CKC Board voting not to adopt the revised breed standard as a result of resistance to the new disqualification.  Today, the United States remains the only country in the world with a disqualification for size.

5) I do not have a date when the switch from weight to height was made to European breed standards and am unable to comment on how the height range was determined.  To be clear though, they did not change from a weight range with a DQ'd limit to an ideal height, rather they moved from the model seen in the current Canadian Manchester Terrier breed standard which simply states the weight range is "12-22 lb. (5-10 kg)" to their current description of "Ideal height at shoulders: dogs: 41cms (16 ins); bitches: 38 cms (15 ins)."  In short, they did NOT remove a DQ.  They changed the method of measuring size, not the instructions on its relative importance in evaluating an exhibit.  

Whether the change from weight to height came from within the Manchester community or not is unknown to me, but were I guessing it would seem most likely to me that perhaps the Kennel Club may have wanted to make measurements easier to accomplish as weighing dogs is cumbersome and difficult to do accurately.

6) A switch from weight to height was seriously discussed by the AMTC back in the late-80s/early-90s, spear-headed in large part by Myrtle Klensch (Salutaire). I'm sure there is some information available in past AGM minutes about it. 

Myrtle went so far as to conduct several weighing and measuring clinics in an attempt to determine what size range corresponded to the current 22 pound limit. I spoke to Myrtle on the subject at one point after the idea had been defeated and she told me she had discarded the data collected.

OK, I'll leave it there for the moment.  I certainly have lots of my own opinions on the subject, but thought at the very least all of the factual information available should be gathered in one place. With that in mind, if anyone has any historical information to add or any corrections to make to the above please do share.  I am always fascinated to learn more and very willing to be corrected.  Gathering historical information can be challenging.

Regardless of which side of the current issue you fall on, I would hope everyone would want their opinion to be based in an understanding of the breed and breed standard's history--however you choose to read and interpret it (and heavens knows we all read something differently and put emphasis in different areas).

If anyone is interested in further reading, all of the sources I cited, including some old breed standards as well as art through the ages, etc. can be found in the CMTC's Reading Room here:


Amanda Kelly

  712 Hits

wie in jedem Jahr, meine kleine Erinnerung

bitte bei tasso registrieren

ich lege allen meinen neuen welpen besitzern sehr ans herz, sich bei tasso zu registrieren. dies geht ganz einfach online und ist kostenlos.

tasso hilft dabei haustiere, die entlaufen sind, den besitzern zuzuordnen.

tierärzte, polizei und tierheime haben ein transponderlesegerät und können so die nr., die auf dem microchip, der unter die haut implantiert wurde, lesen und können so bei tasso den besitzer ermitteln.

sollte einmal ein haustier verloren gegangen sein, kann man online eine vermisstenanzeige bei tasso aufgebenund kostenlos

plakate anforden, die man in der umgebung anbringen kann.

tasso finanziert sich über spenden.


  763 Hits

welche Anforderungen haben Züchter an ihre Käufer

..da es im moment einige diskussionen über dieses thema gibt und verschiedene meinungen dazu, möchte ich meine einstellung  mal darlegen.


 bei mir gleicht die abgabe eines welpen eher einem adoptionsverfahren. 

ich achte auf wohnbedingungen, arbeitszeiten, wer kümmert sich um den welpen in abwesenheit wenn es länger wie 3 - 4 stunden sind. eine vollzeit arbeit ausser haus ist für mich ein no go, mal hand aufs herz, für was möchte man dann einen hund? ich entscheide auch nach sympathie und wie die interessenten mit unseren hunden umgehen, gehen unsere hunde auf abstand ist das für mich ein aus. mir ist wichtig das die neuen besitzer kritisch mit dem thema kastration, impfung und entwurmung umgehen, ein angepastet futter für unsere rasse ist für mich selbverständlich.  
am liebsten sind mir interessenten wo entweder einer zuhause ist oder der hund mit zur arbeit kann, ( ab tag 1 nach dem umzug kann ich das nicht begrüßen auch nicht 8 stunden am tag ) ein ganz großes no go ist für mich eine haltung der english toy terrier ausser haus, ob beim züchter oder beim käufer. leider schwappt diese haltung aus usa und uk auch zu uns langsam rüber :-( der ett braucht täglich seinen  kontakt zu seiner familie sonst leidet er. sicher wird das kein züchter oder käufer zugeben, daher augen auf. ein no go ist für mich, wenn ich schon beim gespräch heraushöre das ein welpe aus meiner zucht zu einer verpaarung mit einer anderen rasse verwendet werden soll.


leider musste ich bei diesem meinungsaustausch auch lernen, das vielen züchtern alles egal ist, hauptsache der hund ist verkauft.

  800 Hits


... english toy terrier!

wenn jemand an diesem artikel interesse hat, kann ich ihn gerne per mail zusenden.

leider kann ich ihn hier nicht größer einstellen.


  712 Hits

ett in uk

... dieser ett ist 16 jahre alt aber es gibt noch ältere, der älteste ist 17,5 jahre alt ( den ich gefunden habe)

ich wünsche meinen hunden und meiner nachzucht ein gesundes, glückliches, langes leben ( eigentlich allen ett´s auf dieser welt )


bild fb

  774 Hits

Canyon Crest Manchesters ab 1946.

...Sie waren historisch ein berühmter Zwinger.




  708 Hits


  938 Hits


English Toy Terrier vs Toy Manchester Terrier



  996 Hits

JDCM clear Xanthinuria clear

... unsere ergebnisse aus minnesota sind da!



JDCM clear
Xanthinuria clear



hier nochmal zur erinnerung um was es ging:


JDCM/Xanthinuria Updates!!!!!!!!


The CMTC website has been updated with some new resources, results and statistics on JDCM and Xanthinuria, as follows:

1) Presentation Material
The CMTC and AMTC welcomed Nicole Tate from the University of Minnesota for a September 2016 presentation on Juvenile Cardioymopathy and Xanthinuria at the American Manchester Terrier Club National Specialty. Slides and audio from that presentation are now available here:

2) Standard Manchester Testing
In September 2016, the Canadian Manchester Terrier Club sponsored testing of a random group of Standard Manchester Terriers. All 25 Standard Manchesters tested clear for both Juvenile Cardiomyopathy and Xanthinuria. Additional information can be found here:

3) Updated JDCM Stats
As of November 2, 2016, a total of 291 Toy Manchesters/English Toy Terriers have been tested for JDCM.

Results are as follows:

Affected: 2 (0.7%)
Carrier: 75 (25.8%)
Clear: 214 (73.5%)

North American vs International breakdowns can be found here:

The Canadian and American Manchester Terrier Clubs are pleased to announce that the genetic mutation causing Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy (JDCM) in Toy Manchester Terriers has been identified. A...
  1421 Hits

The Answer: The “It” Dog in the 1940s

  1108 Hits